About Us

Saving Lives By Helping Jesus Save Souls
When he accepted Jesus into his heart at the age of 7, Dr. Bradford Carlton knew that part of his commitment meant leading others to the Lord as well. What he didn't realize was that the first had to find a cause that would drive him. The Lord made that cause apparent to Bradford when He revealed to him that a man kills himself every 1 minute around the world.
Horrified by that realization, in early 2023, Bradford started a new show, Beacon in the Storm, to help men and women around the world come to know Jesus better. He also started Belief Authority in order to help fuel his mission to help guide men and women away from the ledge of suicide to instead direct their energies to finding Jesus.
What he didn't expect was how quickly people would flock to his message. Now over 160,000 followers on social media, with thousands of video views every single day, are eager to learn more about the Lord.
Now, Bradford is taking steps to move beyond content creation, and into the world of discipleship and mission work to reach more people around the world.

A Lie Rejected
As a small child, Bradford was told that he "didn't have an artistic bone in [his] body." That lie led him to believe for years that he was not creative or capable of making beautiful works of art.
Little did Bradford know that once he started trying, he would soon be capable of making gorgeous artwork that others would come to love as well.
Hopefully, you enjoy his designs as well and consider purchasing one. Every dollar raised goes toward our mission of introducing more people to Jesus Christ and his message of salvation, which is scientifically proven to reduce the risk of suicide.
As we spread this message, we are taking it to be heard, just as Jesus did (picture is of Bradford at the Christian Television Network, Las Vegas, speaking with the manager Javier about the importance of saving lives through Jesus's work of saving souls)