• Christ First

    We understand that belief in the authority of Jesus Christ is not only the way to forgiveness of our sins and our redemption for the Kingdom of Heaven, but here on Earth, Belief in His Authority also has the added effect of leading to lower rates of depression, loneliness, and suicide risk. That's why we always put Christ first!

  • Designs By Dr. Carlton

    Author, speaker, teacher, mentor, and online influencer, Dr. Bradford Carlton, is also an accomplished artist who has designed each and every single one of our products. We don't use premade templates or borrow other people's art. This means that every product you purchase was designed specifically to praise the Lord!

  • Family Friendly

    We believe that if a design or piece of art is not appropriate for the smallest of children, it probably doesn't belong in anyone's home. That's why Dr. Carlton has made it his focus to design works of art that will appeal to everyone of all ages, and why we offer puzzles and stickers so that the whole family can be involved.





Saving Lives Through Christ's Love

When Dr. Bradford Carlton found out that 80% of suicides are men, and the primary reasons for them was that these men feel lonely, rejected by society, and without purpose, he knew he had to take a stand and begin the work of introducing as many people as he could to Jesus. Only through Jesus's love can we help men and women everywhere find meaning and free themselves from sin.

Your purchases help fuel this mission to save lives.

Learn More About Our Mission